Xavier Bisbe, born in Barcelona in 1955, studies graphic design at Escola Massana while combining work in an important design studio, where he learns the rudiments of the graphic industry, photography, laboratory, etc. Then he goes to work in a sign company.
At the age of 24, she moved to l'Empordà where she established her residence and founded a design and signage business in Torroella de Montgrí.
Win big prizes in the CorelDRAW computer drawing competition! A first in Spain, a third in the world and several honorable mentions.
Having achieved a solid foundation in drawing and missing the smell of turpentine, he takes up the abandoned brushes of his student days and explores all the subjects and styles that come to his taste, without feeling any pressure to cultivate a certain subject.
It has work in France, Italy, the USA and Japan in addition to Catalonia and Spain.
As a cultural promoter, he performs:
-The annual Torroella de Montgrí speed painting competition.
-He organized the Ullà Art Exhibition in 2011.
-The four editions of the Pleinair Festival.
He is a member of the artistic movement "9art" in Girona
He currently paints every day in his studio or outdoors.
For more than 15 years I have been painting wood recovered from rural environments, wood from collapsed peasant houses where the floor was made of wood and once the roof was damaged, the wood worked with the passage of time has taken on shapes that they are very attractive to me and they serve as a magnificent background to paint on.
In order to solve the problems inherent in wood, especially the weight and the corks, the pictorial research has led me to a logical evolution: paint the old wood on canvas as a background and paint the motif on top.
This solution gives me a surprising originality, which allows me to paint any subject for the same exhibition, since it is always bound by the background of old wood.
Painting on old wood provides my painterly stamp.
It is clear that the appearance of a painting on real wood has nothing to do with wood painted on a canvas, but it has many advantages:
-The fabrics must not be dewormed and do not leave dust.
-You don't need to stain the wood, I can paint it any color you want.
-I can paint wood of any size and shape without being conditioned by the size of the wood I have recovered.
-The fabrics weigh much less and can be transported rolled up.
-A wood on a stone wall looks too integrated, they look better on a white wall, when painting it on fabric the same fabric acts as a frame for the wood and this causes it to separate into stone walls.
-The fact of painting the wood in a realistic way gives more value to the painting.
Without abandoning realism for anything, he currently continues to investigate new ways in the same line to achieve new effects.
I realized that I can paint even the most difficult thing in painting, abstraction.
In this field there is a lot of intrusion, I have never wanted to make an abstraction based on standing in front of the canvas and start throwing splashes of color.
One of my reference books "De lo espiritual en el arte" by the great Kandinsky, served as inspiration, but I managed to escape from a bad imitation by incorporating three-dimensional elements.
I combine figuration and abstraction in the same painting, achieving a unique and original work.
I can define these paintings as Three-Dimensional Figurative Abstractions.
What I look for in my paintings is the harmonization of forms, to create consonance with a composition based on the balance of both forms and color. I use regular geometric shapes and free wavy lines and make them vibrate and tense to try to express pleasant sensations, peace, tranquility, order, tenacity, intonation...
The incorporation of three-dimensional elements gives the work a disconcerting realism within the abstraction that provokes conflicting feelings.
The compositions of counterweights of shapes and colors on a background of old wood made with great realism, surprise the viewer and invite him to the recreation of the sight and the relaxation of the spirit. These are images that excite the viewer and convey a whole set of positive sensations accentuated by the wooden background, which always acts as a relaxer.
Expository curriculum:
Palau Sant Jordi de Barcelona - 6 de febrer del 2005
Salle Becmil, Salindres a 5 km. d'Alès (França) del 30 de març al 4 d'abril del 2005.
Sala d'exposicions del Centre de Serveis de l'Estartit. Del 6 al 30 de maig del 2005.
ARINSAL Hotel Princesa Park. Del 18 al 21 d'Agost.
Retro-Motor. Platja d'Aro 18 de setembre de 2005
Fontcoberta (Banyoles) del 21 de gener al 5 de febrer 2006
Expoarte Città di Montichiari (Italia) 30/11 - 3/12 2006
Sala Barna – Barcelona – Maig 2006
Galeria Pablo Ruiz - Málaga - Gener - Setembre 2007
Galeria Punt d'Art - Girona -Juliol 2007
8ème Salon d'Automne de Sorèze - 8-22 de setembre 2007
Galeria Punt d'Art - Girona - Desembre 2007- Gener 2008
Galeria Botó de Roda - Torroella de Montgrí - Nadal 2007/2008
Capella de Sant Andreu - Ullà - Octubre 2009
Capella de Sant Antoni - Torroella de Montgrí - Març 2010
Centre de serveis de l'Estartit - Octubre 2010
Capella de Sant Andreu - Ullà - Octubre 2010
Restaurant Mas Blanc - Tiana - Maig-Juliol 2011
Centre Cívic d'Ullà - Octubre 2011
Bar Nafent - Torroella de Montgrí - setembre - desembre 2011
Galeria Amatista - Colliure - Abril 2012
Besalú - tardor 2015
Biblioteca de Lloret - Estiu 2015
Gales d'Anglès 2015
Capella de Sant Ferriol - Olot - Octubre 2015
Capella de
Sant Genís - Torroella de Montgrí - primavera 2016
Gales d'Anglès
Capella de Sant Ferriol - Olot - Octubre 2016
Guils de Cerdanya - Desembre 2016
Capella de Sant Ferriol - Olot - Octubre 2017
Cassica cool art 2018
Lloret de Mar 2018
Capella de Sant Ferriol - Olot - Octubre 2018
Fira del Dibuix i la Pintura de Girona 2018
Cassica cool art 2019
Restaurant Camelot - Torroella de Montgrí - estiu 2019
Capella de Sant Ferriol - Olot - Octubre 2019
Capella de Sant Antoni - Torroella de Montgrí - 2019
Parc dels Aiguamolls - Febrer-Maig 2020
Ruta de l'Art de Castelló dÉmpúries - 10-12 octubre 2020
World Art Dubai - del 7 al 10 d'abril 2021
Ruta de l'Art de Castelló dÉmpúries - 9-12 octubre 2021
Seleccionat pel Ier premi de pintura del Naut Aran 2022
Bukòlica Experienca - Mataró - 1-20 de juliol 2024
Permanent work:
Restaurant Can Joan - Sant Feliu de Boada
Restaurant Rosamar - Torroella de Montgrí
Assegurances López-Noè - l'Estartit
Restaurant Torre Vella - l'Estartit
Restaurant Camelot - Torroella de Montgrí
First prize in the poster competition for the Festa Major de Torroella de Montgrí 1981
Spanish first place in the CorelDraw! Computer Design contest 1991
World third place in the CorelDraw! Computer Design competition 1992
CorelDraw! Computer Design Contest Honorable Mention 1993
First prize poster competition Media Maratón de Sabiñánigo 2011